Saturday, August 20, 2005

Thy name is Irony

A bunch of idealistic teenage rambling...Never settle down? -- even the most veteren non - conformist will tell you, you need stability & some form of consistency to accomplish anything worthwhile.. including raising kids.
- anonymous

I am thinking I should introduce "anonymous" to a 'veteran non-conformist' - my mother. I have a feeling that she will have a grand time telling her tales of raising 8 kids in a way that society would oh so frown upon.

MOM!! How could you go against convention like that!?! Don't you know that the most veteren non - conformist will tell you, you need stability and some form of consistincy to accomplish anything worthwhile.. including raising kids!?! Aish mother mother, I shake my head in dismay. Not only did you decide to give birth in SIX different countries and then travel the world with us, you freakin' never settled down and NEVER had a real job... what's up with that? I think you're just trying to be different for the sake of being different and have no real purpose in life, just low self-esteem and a rebellious attitude problem, you should really work on that. I mean fine, you're fluent in French, Italian and Spanish, you're a semi-professional flautist, you've met Sir James Galway, President Mugabe, Ian Smith, Pope John Paul II, Prince Charles, Rajeev Ghandi, Castro, Yasser Arafat, you did French to English translations for the Conference of nonaligned Countries and various conferences over the years, you've lived in 12 countries... yet you're obviously a very confused and unaccomplished individual. Someone like you can't raise kids!! I mean look how we turned out!!! ......... oh wait, yeah look how we turned out... hmmmm... we're all strangely independent, self sufficient, got a head on our shoulders, emotionally and intellectually mature, personable and nice, able to relate well to just about anybody, any class of society, IDEALISTIC... ETCETERA ETCETERA. Well, I do admit that most of the brilliant genes did go to the rest of my siblings, I got more of the shallow end of the gene pool, good job guys! You make me proud! Yes, boy and girls, despite our seeming "dysfunctional" unbringing we sure did come out alright. Thanks mom! Inspite of the fact that you... I mean, if it wasn't for your incessant... ummm, hmmmm did you REALLY have to... oh nevermind, I could start listing all your faults and what I think you could have done better but you know, it's not important and I LOVERS YOU anyway.

hee hee, lucky for me my mom doesn't even know what a blog is. wooot!

And how many more have a similar story?!? Tell tell tell, stand tall and be proud of your kooky upbringing! :D

Ok ya, I think I've given my life's supply of knowledge on this subject - think we'll move on to the rest of life's trivialities soon.


DCveR said...

Wait a sec, just you wait please... what are you complaining about? No, seriously, you got me lost here. Or are you just thanking your mom for raising kids that don't actually fit within 'the herd'? Nah, you wouldn't like it in 'the herd'. Being driven all the time, not thinking, no freedom... and who cares about 'the herd' anyway?

Miss M said...

LOL! I lost you? Not surprising really, I tend not make perfect sense. Basically yeah, I was making fun of dear Anonymous who seemed so sure that there was no way you could be unconventional without eventually needing to settle and I suppose become one of 'the herd'.

I may just be an idealistic "teenager" who doesn't know what she is talking about but my mom, who has lived that way and raised a whole kaboodle of kids along the way, has taken her idealism to a whole different level - she didn't give it up when the rest of her peers decided to leave that side of them back somewhere with their childishness... she embraced freedom from societies bondage and taught us kids to love being different. not for the SAKE of being different, but because man was created to think for himself.

DCveR said...

Well, the moment you start thinking for yourself you get pulled out of 'the herd' by some kind of invisible force. You then either follow your own thoughts and what you truly believe or you just look for something numbing to allow you to go back herding.

Miss M said...

Exactly! (Forgive me for this analogy before hand, this may be a tad cliche): It's a little bit like The Matrix, if you know what I mean, intentional or not that movie has a great parallel to the reality that is called life..

crazynik said...

Great post! I'm definitely proud of my "kooky" upbringing. God bless our parents :D

nobody said...

I don’t think being stable and constant is equal to settling down. You can be incredibly unstable and inconstant and immobile, and the opposite is also possible. For the most part I think the stability that matters comes from within and not necessarily from circumstances. (Of course, there are some circumstances…)