Friday, August 05, 2005

that's right, even the guys participated in this one

I was going through some pics today and came across these. Can't remember if there was anyone getting nekkid at THIS particular time, but drunken memories do tell me we had a pretty good time. If I remember correctly (hmmm when there's alcohol involved does is that possible?) we played that card blowing game and if you were the one to blow the remaining cards off the beer bottle you had to take the shot. Being poor that we were, or just insisting to make do with what we had, we had beer shots! complete with penis straw!Whose on earth is that?! And who had those X-Rated playing cards?! Ohhhhhhhhhhh gente de mi pueblo! :) I misses yoooou!


zupa said...

wahahaha I love luchis pic she's like, oh there's a dick in my beer.. oh well another day another bomb.

Miss M said...

LOL exactly! and then there's Ez looking all homophobic. hee hee

mig.moon said...

gGod times...

That is a priceless pic of Ez.

nobody said...

Oh boy...
Good photos!

Miss M said...

Ah yes, Chad and Maria... always spicing up our parties. What fun!

Anonymous said...

oh my god that is so crazy!!