Saturday, August 06, 2005

Makes me completely retarded


mig.moon said...

this is the guy?

Miss M said...

the THE guy? or a guy? or Bono from U2? :D This is indeed, and I quote "The Last of the International Playboys"

mig.moon said...

Poster boy.

I guess posing is what he does best....


Miss M said...

Ok, I know you didn't mean that in the way that it is usually defined, poser as in likes to have his picture taken am I right?

Actually a friend photographer of his wanted to snap a few shots one time when they were in LA(?)and Jason happened to be his 'model' for the shoot. He doesn't love the camera by any means and only has a handful of pics of himself usually taken by other people, at no request of his. So no, not a poser.

mig.moon said...

thank you for bearng with my limited language skills... next could you define retarded?


Miss M said...

Ahem, Retarded: You're walking along, minding your own business. You're looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of a sudden you run smack into a pretty face. Woo-woo! You begin to get weak in the knees. Your head's in a whirl. And then you feel light as a feather, and before you know it, you're walking on air. And then you know what? You're knocked for a loop, and you completely lose your head!

mig.moon said...

a regular bambi...

it just get's better.


mig.moon said...


Those are really great pics... nice work.

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhh my! I know it has technically been covered already but really, this is the guy? Not like I am that surprised or anything I mean YOU of all people can get whoever you want! ;) I knows it!

Kristina said...

Hahahahahahaha... your conversations amuse me.