Friday, August 26, 2005

five5days -5 -5days -5 -five5 - 5- -days5days - 5-5 five 5days-days5 -5 days-5-five-days-five 5-5 - days

No, I'm not freakin' out, really. I mean... well... yeah... am I? I'm not sure, but if I am it's really just because all I see ahead of me is a thick haze. The 31st is like a giant full stop at the end of the page of my life and I have no idea what's gonna happen when it gets turned. From your vanatge point, when you step back and look at my life it really looks thus far rather tame and even a little bit quaint. I have got to tell you kiddos one thing, being the star of this novel has made me realize this is no peaches 'n' cream story book, it's a friggin suspense thriller!! Owww... my brain hurts - I've wracked it to pieces and it hasn't been kind to me in return. I've been nice to it too! Utilizing it in a way that should make it proud to be called mine - I mean come on, I'm eating lots of tuna, been doing stuff like THINKING (brains like that no?) and some serious brain cardio - trying to make intelligent and rational decisions, being practical. that should totally earn me extra points. That takes a lot out of you! But does it reward me? Hell no! In fact it takes revenge and says "Well tut tut and congratulations! You've just earned yourself a thick cloud of... yep you guessed it HAAAAZE!" Puah! Thanks alot brain, a lot of good you are. I could just as well donate you, I wouldn't miss you - really I wouldn't. We've never really seen eye to eye on much, maybe you're just spiteful that I don't use you as much as I do other organs, well I'm sorry! You tend to be boring a lot of the time and then when I do attempt to spend quality time with you all you can do is daydream and space out. It hurts, it really does.


sooo, 5 days....... then what? ya veremos.


DCveR said...

You know, for a split second the image of the girl who discovers the solution for all of mankind's problems just momments before the world ends flashed in my mind (reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). Imagine the world would end just a momment before you had crossed that haze... ok,ok, sorry, this is a bit cruel, or even a lot...
Relax, whatever will happen you either can still change it or you can't. If you can, just turn it into something you like, if you can't there is no point in fretting 'cause it won't take you anywhere. Beeing the case I may be getting my foot stuck in my mouth again I'd better just shut up... ;)

Miss M said...

:) Don't worry, you're fine, no feet in your mouth this time :P

Interesting reference (we like movies don't we) I was thinking that same thing, the world could end, I could die, the plane could crash and it wouldn't matter because there's just haze there anyway. This thing can go either way and I really have a lot of the power to make it either good or bad... well I share a little bit of that power with someone too... so I'm just hoping I don't fall flat on my face.

mig.moon said...

ya veremos

Kristina said...

Oh relax. It's not like you've never been here before! Just now it's more permanent like.


DCveR said...

If you do have the power, use it!
And I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've read the books n times.

Miss M said...

you've hit zee hammer on zee head... or is it... you've hit zee nail on zee head or you've hit zee hammer on zee nail? I always forget, but anyway, that would be the point Kristina :P


nobody said...

What movie I'm lost!
Well if you donate, I need a second brain.
I've never been in the place you're at, so I dont know what to say other than THE BEST OF LUCK TO YA. You'll Roxxors their boxxors I know it.

Miss M said...

I was meaning that we use reference to movies pertty often, but then I was wrong as dcver just meant the book.

Awww fanks Wooch! I certainly hope so, certainly do. Good thing though, I'm less and less nervous! However I am thinking that might change when the plane touches down. TILL THEN I will revel in my sanity, as long as it lasts anyway.

tumm tumm taaa tumm tummm

Kristina said...

j-u-s-t t-w-o m-o-r-e d-a-y-s...

Kristina said...

Off topic: But why is it that we both use blogger and your comments show the date and ttime and mine just show the time? Why is that? Why Emma? Why????