1. My eyes. They are green, though sometimes they look blue, depends on what I am wearing, plus I have long lashes. People have commented that they look false, I take that as a compliment(?). Strangers will sometimes walk up to me just to tell me I have pretty eyes. shweeeet.
2. Affection. I love to be touched and to touch just the same. From looong cuddles that could take up the better part of the day to just a light stroke on my little finger during a movie. Touch me and you don't have to say a word.
3. To give. I love buying things for people when I know it's something they would really like. If you need to talk 'cuz you had a bad day instead of going off and doing something I want to do I would rather stay with you. If you're sad I'll go out of my way to do something that will make you happy.
4. My life and my experiences. I know I owe who I am today to just that. Even though sometimes I feel weak and incapable I can always rely on an inner strength that over rides my feelings of hopelessness.
I have lived in 9 countries on 3 continents; I was homeschooled; have attended a private British Boarding school as well as an "american style" highschool; I've known different worlds - I grew up in an upper middleclass family environment and never lacked security, emotional support or material comfort yet my family was always worried about money, education, careers. When I was 18 I left home, deciding that normal secular life would never be for me, I became a completely voluntary missionary in The Family, I had no salary, no hope for material gain, no debts, no fincancial worries...again I never lacked security, emotional support or material comfort. (strange how that is) I'm no longer a fulltime member and am currently on the fringes of branching out into a new and totally unknown future, though "normal" life is still not for me - I intend to find my place somewhere, somehow. My experiences in life have caused me to become a happy, somewhat carefree, high spirited individual and though no person can ever claim to have lived an idillic life I count myself fortunate that I have never suffered or had to endure anything above what I am capable of handling. I will use every experience as an oportunity to grow and to improve as a human being.
5. Exercise! I joined the gym not too long ago and it is indeed money well spent. I say if you are serious about trying to get fit and healthy JOIN A GYM! If you have to pay for something you WILL milk it for what it's worth. Upon joining they give a free body fat analysis and measure you up etc when I first started I was at 26% body fat...yeeeck (ideal being below 20%) 2 weeks later I was down to 23%! It's great to have a goal and see results and it's great to feel healthy and energetic.
6. Honesty. I cannot stand mind games!! If you're mad at me, tell me! If you are happy with me, TELL ME! Do you think I am pretty? Then tell me dammit! I am not a mind reader. Don't walk around nonchalant and silent, making me guess if I did something that bugs you, if I did I want to know - TACTFUL straight forwardness and honesty you know? Oh and WORSE yet don't make me guess if you care, that's just unnecessarily stressful on anyone's nerves, mind and heart. That's the way I am "I do unto other as I would have them do to me" Oh and don't EVER start to tell me something and then say "ohhh nevermind!" ARRGHHGHHGHGH
7. Pretty things. HEHE, who'da thunk? Yes that's right, I seem to have passed my tomboy stage in life (23 years was it?) and suddenly I like girly things! It's not entirely GONE by anymeans but it's entirely less than what it was. I like pretty skirts and pretty tops, I like my hair long, I like flowers and nice smelling things (nice smelling boys) But no, no no no noooooo noooooo, there's not an ounce of "Stepford Wife" in me - I have no intenion of getting married and becoming an official wife! I just like to feel pretty sometimes.
8. My sense of humour. I don't think I am a very funny person personally, I don't know any jokes by memory and never have clever comebacks!!!!! "oh yeah?!?! yeah!?!??! well you.....you're just.... ummmm you look like...... like.... like a... you're just.... just like FAT or something!! yeah!!" I am easily amused, easily humoured, quick to laugh again even if I was fuming not too long ago. The littlest things keep me happy and entertained. I don't require a lot of time and heavy concentrated attention, just the tinniest gestures and simplest things spoken will satisfy and appease me. (but hey let's make them a taaaad frequent!;))
9. My ability to forgive and move on. I don't hold grudges. Sometimes I hold on to a little bit of hurt inflicted by someone for a while but in a short amount of time it fades and becomes unimportant to my interaction with the person. Making an effort (forcing myself) to communicate little things to people is my sure instant grudge free formula, sometimes the person was never really aware or maybe they had just as little courage as I did to be the first one to broach the subject. Always be the better man. Strive to be the first to forgive.
10. I don't like to waste time. Everything I do has to have some purpose and meaning and an end result. I don't like to get involved in something if I know it's doomed or likely to fade into oblivion. I have a lot of faith in others and try to see the good in them at all costs, overlooking insignificant human flaws and realising I have my own. I am intense, I am emotional. I am intense when I love and intense as a friend. No need to wonder how my relationship with you is going, I am an open book in that respect.If I start to withdraw my attentions more than I usually give then you might have to worry that something is going on and telling me you've noticed - that would be like backing me into a corner and I'd have no choice but to be honest with you (shucks, now you know my secret!)
I am very imperfect and highly flawed, but I am who I am, with a few streaks of narcissism :D Maybe I will follow this up with a "10 things I hate about me" post. (that's tooooooooo easy!!)