Thursday, May 26, 2005

things that made me happy today

1. The Gas I found today at $2.02 a gallon.
2. Sasha (my 2 yr old nephew) leaving for home, pulls me by the skirt, points to the door and says "home, home!"
3. My sisters Thea (10) and Boo(8) running up to me, telling me I am their favourite person in the whole world, for no reason at all.
4. Double espresso with steamed half and half on the side.
5. sitting by the pool with my jeans rolled up and swirling the water with my feet.
6. 68 degrees with sunshine and a breeze.
7. mushrooms and brocolli, salad with lettuce, tomatoes, mozarella, and spring onions
8. Clean white running shoes and clean white socks.
9. my mom going out for the whole day (I love her but I love her when she's gone too)
10. a day that started out sad and ended up happy.


Kristina said...

$2.02 is cheap????

I just bought premium gas at $1.56 yesterday.

And I'm always told CA is the expensive state.

Miss M said...

Oh man!! Us red state warmongers seem to be getting the raw end of the deal here! I'm joing the BLUE coalition forces... VIVA LA RESISTANCE!!!!

Kristina said...

Yes, well I'm sure we have higher taxes, since us bleeding heart liberals take care of our people.

mig.moon said...

All I can say is " WELCOME TO AMERICANA "