Sunday, May 29, 2005

Sad, sad tidings...

Sam, only just 18 years old, was found yesterday alone in a field close to his house - dead - he died of an overdose on cocaine. Apparently he was partying with his friends and when the seizures started they left him there!! So sad, so very very sad. Why couldn't they have just brought him to the hospital or called 911?? I don't understand!

I've known his family well for over 5 years now, his mom, a single mom - she's such a strong lady and I admire her so much, I just hope this time round it won't be more than she can bear!'s hard to imagine he's... just gone. I had seen him only days before.

This is the 3rd death of the boys in the Lykins family and I pray they can once again find comfort in this very difficult and trying time. There will be a funeral for him this week. I've never been this close to seeing death and as much as I've always been taught about the hope of life after death, an overwhelming sadness is slowly falling. It doesn't hit you right away, like it doesn't click in your head - the loss of another human being that you knew...

oh well, life is short...

just 18.

Here yesterday, gone today.

Rest in Peace Sam.

Say hi to Timothy for me!


Kristina said...

I am so sorry........

mig.moon said...

My heart goes out to his mother, I grieve for her yet I am conforted in remembering that he's in a better place now. My prayers are with his loved ones... "Death where is thy sting"? Rest in peace Sam

nobody said...

Were you close?
These things have a way of turning everything up-side-down for a while. Pop me up if you want to talk.

Miss M said...

you'll have to ask him, Kalita