Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind.

Somejoe: "Hey there, I've been wondering for awhile now, is that really your natural hair colour?"

Me: cocking my eyebrow as a thought bubble pops up "Wow! Okay, let's look at our options. This guys is either a) a little dumb, b) a little blind or c) trying a new pickup line from the book (at the most inopportune moment)

Me out loud: "uhhhh... ...well... errr... ...actually... ...NO!!!"

Somejoe: "Huh, who'da thought? *silence*....... So...... are you single?"

Me: "hahahahahahahahaha!"

So I went with options a) and c) and the reason this is so funny to me is that my hair is currently the brightest, most unnatural looking red possible
(something close to that anyway) I've never been able to catch a guy doing the obvious "pick up line route", like FOR REAL. I felt a moment of glee for catching someone red handed! muahahaha.

Well, lets be nice and give him an A for effort and special recognition for his bravery at facing inevitable embarrasment in his attempt to have my consent at... what? eventual marriage? (I suppose that is the great reason for "love and dating" - I am guessing I would think that way too if I was born normal, alas I wasn't. If we are all supposed to end up married with children and white picket fences, I need to go find me a different planet!!!!)

Oh to be a child again and to not have to think of such things. My daydreams then consisted of one day being a fabulous pegasus, with glorious wings and an almost luminous white coat. No fear of danger for I was a powerful, magical steed who ruled faeryland with the queen of the faeries.

And then I grew up and turned into a human adult (something I was sure I would never end up being somehow) Jeez, I really got the short end of the stick!!!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

I like the new template!