Sunday, June 12, 2005

Well I'll be!

"kinda sexy" takes a flying lead in my most important poll of all polls with a whopping 50 something %. Ok ok, so maybe only 15 or so people actually voted - but by jeeves! Pass me some friggin' ice cream thank you very much!! Naw, actually my brain has been wired such so as to not allow me really believe the poll with all my heart and soul, to where I actually lived and breathed to maintain my lovely love-handles. No sir! As much as you guys SAY you think they're kinda sexy, I don't personally agree. I really think I owe it to the male population at large to keep them as minimised as possible and the added plus is that I get to reap the benefits of being healthy! (ok that's dysfunctionalism at it's peak... I actually mentioned "health benefits" second.)

But you know? Maybe that's how it started for me, working out and all. I just got to the point where I was tired of always feeling fat and never being considered a person who takes care of herself. I wasn't even FAT FAT, but you know how it goes when you've never worked out a day in your life... everything jiggles and clothes rarely feel loose (except if you just got back from some two week long CTP trip, hiking through the Sierra, eating beans and tortillas alone - but that was only once a year and what with Costco and FOOOOOOD everywhere in most homes how could one possibly hope to stay slim and trim not working out?)

So in part it was a renewal goal for me and the other was, hey I wanna be sexy tooooooooooooo... haha YES, I ADMIT IT!!! But time has passed, I am staying pretty faithful to my mission and the serious pressure of wanting to loose loose loose is going (that would because I am giving up the notion of EVER being SKINNY, since I am not built that way) and now I just love to work out because it feels good! I love to jog, actually, it gets me out of the house, breathing fresh air and I feel it's maximum expenditure of energy per time spent working out so I'm getting my "moneys worth". I suppose the fear of going back to being the lazy bum I was is still there, though I see that as a positive fear that keeps me on track, wouldn't want my little deltoids or quads to go back to jigglish like they were.

"... well think about that when your flat on you back cuz you didn't get your hour or two of daily get out! da-da da-da da dada da-da da-da da dada... get your get out!" hee hee, wasn't that a groovy song?


Kristina said...

Well, if your poll meant nothing to you, why couldn't I vote??

I'm voting now.

So there... ;)

Kristina said...


You've shut down the poll!!!

You.. you.. you...

Anonymous said...

Its pretty well established in studies that women have vastly different expectations for their bodies than men do (for women's bodies). Men are generally much more forgiving about extra weight, if they notice at all, just like your poll says.

Girls don't believe this because they have a great deal of fear and anxiety about being rejected, and obsessing over your weight is you trying to control other people to prevent yourself from your fears from coming true. You might tell yourself that you are ugly in order to get a headstart, exaggerating the threat to make yourself work harder to avoid it. The sad truth is that compulsive behavior reinforces your anxieties in the long run, despite reducing them for a while. The boost to your self-esteem is temporary, and when your anxieties return, you begin to think that you only need to work harder at your compulsive behavior, leading to an endless cycle. The only way out is to stop 'treating' your anxieties and accept that you will never be able to prove to your satisfaction whether you are ugly or beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, these are symptoms of very mild OCD. But don't feel bad! Its probably genetic (since I have it and I think Manny and Lena too). Plus, studies show that people with OCD have above average intelligence, creativity, intuition, communication skills, industriousness, sensitivity and attention to detail.

Miss M said...

awww, thanks Loxy. Hey why don't you post any pics of yourself? and I was wondering, are you a Paone by any chance?

Miss M said...

Yeah, really Kristina, you could have voted. next time I won't prejudice I promise.

mig.moon said...

She's a red head... fiery temper I am told... of course, motherhood works wonders. :)