Sunday, March 13, 2005

I need a serious dose of wit and cleverness. Or maybe just a thesaurus! But it would need to be a Mega-Super-Automatic-Thesaurus that manages to create something that makes sense with no help from me. I know, I am a perpetual complainer but when every day is basically a carbon copy of the day before I could easily just ctrl-c ctrl-v my daily posts into the Mega-Super-Auto-Thesaurus and presto! Same thing different colour!

Last night we almost had one of our infamous 'events' involving 911, cops, fire engines and ambulances - triggered by EMAN (that's my step dad) He's too much! He's so thoughtless and blissfully unaware that this is a 'special' situation where, at times, if YOU are part of the problem you should try walking around on eggshells just a tad. But no, he can be like a bull in a china shop speaking his mind, his opinions, defending himself and the things he does. I swear, the density that this man posesses AMAZES me. No I am not being irrational or over exaggerating at all - he really really doesn't get it. Ok I realize I could bitch about this for sometime and normally they recommend "for every bad thought you have about someone think of five.... ok THREE good things about the person" ... ... ... ... ... Phew, ok lets move on! Lena thinks we just need to move the parents ON as they aren't helping - so that might be the next plan? We'll ship Eman and the kids off to their "field" and my mom can stay back and raise funds. Oh I have to run, we are ACTUALLY going to go sit down and discuss this matter - hopefully this will be it? Keep your fingers crossed!

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