Friday, March 18, 2005


St Patrick's Day eve.

We're All Phony

Oooookay, there was a time not too long ago when we "were Zimbabwean" and we did celebrate Guy Fawkes even though at that time as a country we were no longer considered British. It was an excuse to party and light fireworks. However, as an EX colony of Mother England that we were, we still retained the most beautiful of flowing accents (if I do say so myself) which I would say qualified us to celebrate in the most authentic and genuin sense of the word. (Ok you got me... I just wanted to see how much underaged drinking I could get away with!) There were so many silly people in green tonight trying to impress with their put on accents coupled with intense bad breath. Funnily, the moment I opened my mouth (I was kind, really I was) they then looked at me stupefied, mouth agape and asked me if I was Irish. I would smile, pat them on the shoulder, roll my eyes and chug down another beer all at once!

Note to self:
*limit blog posting prior to 1 am
*work on cyncism
*go eat because you are starving

PS No I'm kidding. It was more on the cute/hillarious side to watch these poor, poor souls in their "we're Irish today" outfits trying their darndest to swoon and flirt but most importantly balance!! All in all I think it was a one-green-beer-too-many night for the lot of us.

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