Sunday, April 10, 2005

wicked winter

Today we got ourselves nicely snowed in, how ironic! Yesterday it was a sizzling 65 degrees (sizzling as we can expect in April that is - though I actually did slightly burn whilst I was romping around in next to nothing summer attire, soaking up the sun. Ok I'm lying there. My left ARM showed a hint of pinkness as I spent a good chunk of the day driving all around Denver, but my point is... well you're smart enough I'm sure)

Snow is quite the deceiver! It looks all pretty outside the window, from the comfort of a centrally heated town house, but boy oh boy I almost lost my nose to frost bite as I ventured out to dutifully capture quite possibly the last of the winter whiteness on my little digi-cam. The poor thing! Even in the amount of time it takes to take a picture, a layer of snow would gather on top and I'd have to keep blowing it off. I hope my camera won't hold a grudge, I've heard tales of them doing so, but I couldn't resist. I've learned something about myself from this day, I hate hate hate extreme weather! My feet were cold, my nose was cold, my ears were cold, my feet were cold, my my tail was cold (yeeeaaah ok, taking quotes from "101 Dalmations" = a little too much time spent with kiddos, I'm thinking) I don't like being cold and have decided that wherever my home ends up being, it will NOT be in a "wonderous wintry land" as that's an entirely over-rated description in my opinion. I guess I got spoiled having grown up in PERFECT CLIMATE HARARE where it's never too hot, and never too cold. You may need a light sweater in the winter and you'll never use air conditioning in the summer. How pleasant. But yes, as pleasant as it was Zimbabwe did spoil me and spoil me rotten:

1. grew up with servants: never had to clean my room, do the dishes, my laundry, the result: a very undomesticated specimen
2. drugs and alcohol readily available and cheap from a young age, the result: inability to not overspend at a bar :)
3. perfect climate, the result: lack of ability (desire more like) to adapt to imperfect climates.
4. a country with (at the time) little to no crime - the result: I'm possibly a little too overconfident, fearless and daring.

but it's aaaaaaaaall I'm gonna go get me something hot to drink and a good movie!! wooooooh!