Wednesday, June 02, 2010


The complications of love, the struggle to "find our purpose", incessantly wrestling our demons. What all for? Can't help but feel life is rather pointless in most every way imaginable.

Yet somehow there is... music. What is it even? Music is the strangest thing. Sounds that fill you with intangible hope, that express your innermost fears and desires when words fail. When people fail. It's not something you can touch, feel or describe in a way that makes sense to anyone else -- other than how it touches you, how it makes you feel, personally. Your experience, is yours.

Music is made of magic. It will never break your heart... it will assuage an implacable soul and soothe your mind and body, when nothing else can.

At least. AT LEAST we have that.

Carry on.


S.King said...

beautifully written. I agree with you comletely... Music and Art. :)

Miss M said...

Yes, Art and Music - indeed. :)

Thanks for following me BTW. I've not quite ventured into the blogging world after taking a long hiatus, so it feels a little strange to think someone that I don't know personally is reading/following me.

But maybe that's what life is for: sharing ourselves with others. I'm reminded of Aristophanes's Speech from Plato's Symposium. He says that there is basically a type of love that connects people and although he describes this love as the search for the other half of your soul, I think that maybe this search really extends into the entire human race. I am not so sure I believe in soul-mates anyway. ;)

Anyway. Nice to meet you. You have a lovely blog and admittedly, I'm quite envious of your career path. Sounds like the perfect job!