Friday, February 15, 2008

Where are all the bloggers gone to?

Do you ever miss the little blogging world that was so active a few years ago? I do. It's just not the same like it was somehow even when people do blog. What do you think happened? Well my mom's COOL and has a blog! ;) CHCK IT! Actually most of my favourite ladies are MOMs. Gasp! Luchi, Xtina, Christina, (oh and Luchi's mom - she writes best comments) What does this tell me? But wait, you were cool before you had babies, so don't try and try and make me admit that being a mom makes you cooler. :P

So did you know yesterday was Valentines Day? I swear I almost missed it ;) The interesting thing about having an American boyfriend is that he has all the holidays and celebrations preprogrammed. Even if you'd prefer not to recognize a particular holiday, there's just no way round it. How can one make the transition from February 13th to February 15th without buying flowers or buying anything at all!? But I digress, he got me some roses and I was most touched... even if consumer pressure from society and possibly trauma from previous relationships influenced him more than love, he still made an effort to surprise me cuz that's just how he rolls:)

A funny story actually, at least I thought so, he bought the roses and freaked a little about what to do with them till I got home as we have no vase! (Hey we're young! Only moms and grandmas have vases!) So, he tells me later, his first thought was to try and shove them into the 4L water bottle, tie a ribbon around it and hope that would do the trick. Haha! Well, sadly he decided against that, as I would have loved to see and instead just set them on the kitchen counter with a card and there I found them, slightly wilted and turning brown. But awwwww =)

Here's us this time last year in Maui! <3


athenianstyle said...

I miss it too. [I'm glad every time you post.]

I have a small confession..I opened up another blog with the thot of keeping it anonymous for at least a while and being brutally honest on it.

Turns out I was just as unfaithful with it, and sadly still wrote "crypticly".

Time is definitly an issue, but mostly it's just that it seems I have a difficult time sharing my true thoughts and get frustrated with writing lil tidbits and "diary" styled posts.

I want to start up again...if a creative vein ever manages to appear that is. But till then I'll just write long-assed comments like this one ; -)

Miss M said...

Looking back now I miss it less than I thought. Lot's of maddness and horrible memories tied into a few good ones. I was reading some old posts on my own and a few people's blogs and I can't believe the things I said and did! (say and do still?)

The few blogs I do wish to relive the glory days with are the ones of people I would so much rather have rant to me in person. But we're all so faaaar away. (sniff) I would give my arms and legs to be with some of you!!!

athenianstyle said...

Let's all move to the same city...the same road even, and have parties in the street..all night long. [Oh help, I think Lionel Richie has just invaded my brain! =]