Wednesday, February 13, 2008

in my world

slackers would be given just as much for their lack of efforts as their over achieving counterparts, because that's just fair!! heehee. Just kidding, I'm no commie I swear!! :P

I'm lazy and I admit that I hate applying my mind. I feel like I don't even think the right way for a lot of what I will be studying anyway. I'm more of a fairytale loving, unrealistic, random and ideally an out of touch with reality kind of person - which is hard to translate into anything logical. =) It's hard for me to have to force my mind into behaving in a very specific way and then repeating the method over and over. Tough stuff for a vivacious mind!! But I need the discipline and to come to terms with the fact that some things are just always going to be plain hard and I should get used to that.

oh look at the time... Happy Valentines Day!!

Nighty night


Anonymous said...

Yea well don't let "them" change your mind too much. It's nice the way it is.
But I do think I'd also have to flex a very unflexed muscle if I'd get into studying at this stage.

Angelina said...

I am knowing the feeling...
first assignment and i have itchy feet syndrome bad.
as they say you have to learn how to learn...inflexed muscle for sure,
and dang i am dreading the tutor's feedback


Miss M said...

Luchi, you should be able to tell by now that I am quite comfortable with my own identity!

Ang, I am picking up what you're putting down. I am just hoping I am not slightly mentally challenged (read retarded), cuz that's a muscle no amount of work will fix.:P

This whole "studying" thing is rather interesting as it's one of the biggest fears I face (that and getting tainted prophecies like I was good at...hehe) I've always wanted to go for it and do well, or at least pass respectably.

So wish me luck!