Monday, February 18, 2008

Presidents day = almost everyone gets the day off

But not me! It is in fact on of the days where I work more than ever! But hey, that's okay - moneys = rent = comfy-cozy = good. When you are working in retail, holidaiz mean the masses will be out spending their mulla like it's going out of style. Yeah don't be outside enjoying the weather, go for a bike ride stupid people! My job makes me hate Americans more than I should.
But at the same time I can have fun at work. I just have to pretend I am not really at a job. Maybe just out and about meeting random people are striking up conversations. It's easy for me to live in my imagination, I'm a Pisces! :) You'd think I was actually happy about this fact the amount I talk about it. Alas, I am hoping for pity. In doing my horoscope yesterday, after Kristina suggested I look on my birth certificate for my time of birth instead of relying on my mother's "somewhere around 2, 2:30, or 3:30. Somewhere around there.", I now know I am:

Sun Pisces
Moon Pisces
Mercury Aquarius
Venus Pisces
Mars Pisces
Jupiter Libra
Saturn Libra
Uranus Sagittarius
Neptune Sagittarius
Pluto Libra
True Node Leo
Ascendant Cancer ----- it was thought I might have a Leo rising, but no. More water!

You ask what this means? I present Miss Undecided waterfall on legs! That's what! ... ohhh what tangent am I on? Hehe. I'm all over the place tonight. It's far to late at night for my brain to have the ability to write a well thought out thesis, build and conclusion. I do that all week long with homework!! I will close with something easy... on the eyes and my brain... photiiiii!! :)

With all the take off an additional 40% + $10 + 25% more + coupons + a bag of cookies sales going on, we succumbed and partook of the great indulgence. Brandt needed a suit for some up and coming work stuffs so we got him kitted out. We saved about 70% so HEY, I guess we did alright!

fweeet fweooo (that's the sexy whistle thang peeps do, i can't spell.)


Kristina said...

You got that suit at Urban??

Very nice!!

Ya Mike had the day off but we still kept Altea's school going. And since it was my day to host, I guess I had to work too!

Anonymous said...

I didn't even KNOW there was a holiday!!
Emma, I always knew you had astrological problems. :)
And very nice boytoy and suit... er... I sound like a creep.

Miss M said...

If we bought that suit at Urban it would likely have looked more like this He was going for a more "presidential look"... his words! haha think

I really do have issues Luchi!! Out of my control!! lol

Kristina said...

Oh ok! I didn't think it looked too Urban, but when you mentioned all the deals, I thought you meant deals from YOUR store.

PS: Dear sweet Emma. Your personality is not THAT bad! ;)