Monday, February 05, 2007

It's a FEAST! A PICTURE feast!!

The littlest smunchkin! Little Téa-Téa

Bros before hoes!

matching eyes!

Photoshoot with unwilling toddler Part 1 - I'm really not into this.

Part 2 - Unhand meeee crazy aunty!!

Part 3 - Pleeeeeeease Altea!

"I'm short!"

daladies daladies

Birthday boy get's a big smooch!

Awwwwwwwwwww... hey aren't we kinda cute??

Teresa la loca con Emma-bo-peep

Heyyyy there handsome

crazy boys!

superbowl at the Beach Hut - sleeeeeeepy


Anonymous said...

It's very weird for me to see you hanging all over this new "boy" person. Kinda like the feeling I imagine one would have when you wake up in the morning wearing someone else's underwear, and you don't really know how they ended up on your arse. :p

Kristina said...

LOL @ Luchi!!!

Okay, now that I've stopped laughing. I was actually thinking the very same thing. I've seen you guys together a few times, but never as a 'couple'.

I must say I like the new addition.

PS: Comments about Altea are priceless.

Miss M said...

ahahha... that's just cuz he kinda APPEARED on here on day and you never got used to the idea since I was all hating there for awhile. Hey it's even a little weird for me to see these pics... like, is that me?! You'll get used to it Luchi, promise. He's really nice and..... NORMAL. Pheeeeew. :)

Miss M said...

....I'm still trying to figure out if that was the nicest thing you could say or the meanest, Luch :P

Anonymous said...

LOL it's just I was thinking of a good analogy for my surprise, and that one struck me as funny. Don't worry, it's not mean at all. And like you said, we'll get used to it.

Miss M said...

hehe, naw I was kidding. ;) It was funny.

Jules said...

new boyfriend huh, emma??
im so happy for you.
you're looking pretty and alive.
still think of our "polop" times occasionally. we got all the old pics still, which i warn you i will be using as blackmail. :P

lots of love!