Sunday, February 25, 2007

Beauty Abounds

So, I have a new URL for my blog, which will hopefully deter a few less than desirable readers from following my life too closely. I’d rather not start a brand new blog, it hasn’t quite come to that. 3 years worth of rambling nonsense… who could throw that away so easily?? ☺ This is merely a “discourager”, however feeble and nonfunctional. lol.

Enough on that, I choose positivism as my state of mind of choice. Hmmm, some interesting definitions there.

pos·i·tiv·ism n
1. the theory that knowledge can be acquired only through direct observation and experimentation rather than through metaphysics and theology
2. the state or quality of being positive

Give us yer dos centavos on that one.

Maui, Maui, what can I say? Where do I start? I really feel lucky to have been able to experience such an Island paradise, best of all leaving Sac with lower expectations and upon arriving being blown away by the simple beauty of so much untouched nature.
Now, I like to think I can be happy anywhere I happen to be. I try to look for the best in life, like rainy days in this small boring town – the air is fresh, the greenery is greener, my feet get wet and cold but I know that later on someone’s going to warm em up and snuggle with me till I’d wish for the coldest feet everyday forever just so my days would end like that always. That’s what I tell myself as reality of it is that I have to look for these things otherwise it would just be plain depressing and suck… in Maui it was different. I really felt my spirit alive everyday and just breathing made me smile for no reason, like no other time I can remember. This made me start to wonder if maybe our souls are individually tailored to attain the potential we were created for by taking into consideration our physical environments. Not to say we can’t live and be happy in absolutely anywhere…but maybe we have each have a special place… I know mine’s where everything is irie and carefree… oh and where I can wear coconut bras. ;) One day, one day. Wanna come with me??

The dichotomy that stood out as most apparent there is that it’s like a 3rd world country but it’s not. You have all the goods and services of the 1st world but the mindset is different, warm-hearted and less complicated. Of course the pace is slower, which means things don’t run quite as efficiently… our bags didn’t make it to the airport along with 20 or so others. It was slightly stressful at first since we are used to getting what we want instantly or at least being able to talk to someone who can give you a direct answer about what the hell is going on and will we ever see our bags again, but no… nobody could really say anything except that they would find them and drop them off at our hotel later. So ok, we had to go with that and just walk away with our fingers crossed. I was resigning myself to not ever see them again and spend our trip in a bikini I would have to buy. Hey I pretty much did that anyway, but low and behold the next morning we call downstairs and they have our bags! All in all I just think that getting stressed out and worked up over things is a waste of life. There are 4 things we need in life: rocking chairs, wind chimes, sex and mojitos. What else do YOU need?? :)

Snorkeling, boogie boarding, make-outs, sunsets, sunrises, Tanqueray Martinis, delectable fish, volcanic craters, Hana,



Anonymous said...

I think I should point out that positivism is a philosophy that holds that the only valid form of knowledge is that which is obtained through scientific inquiry. Everything must be objective, testable and falsifiable.

For example, you say that in Maui, you felt your spirit was more alive. Can you prove that? You can't, so this is a meaningless statement for a positivist.

Miss M said...

and that's what I like to call an oxymoron!

Anonymous said...

This made me start to wonder if maybe our souls are individually tailored to attain the potential we were created for by taking into consideration our physical environments.

Counterpoint: People perform better in front of hostile audiences than they do in front of supportive audiences -- see this article. "The support of a friendly audience made people feel good about themselves, and that feeling tricked them into believing they had actually performed well."

So its possible that living in paradise would be something like performing in front of a friendly audience -- it demotivates and discourages you from attaining your highest potential. The flip side of this is that if you are struggling through (moderately) depressing circumstances, you are probably doing better than you feel you are.

Miss M said...

I do know this is true.

however, as perfect as a place might seem, it is never truly perfect all the time. there will always be hardships... always be tough times and tough situations to work through. I think it's unavoidable and thus my point still keeps it's validity.

Anonymous said...

Right, right, I know, you get it.

Except... you don't. You understand what I'm saying -- it makes sense. But maybe you wish it wasn't true. How can you really understand what I'm saying if part of you doesn't want to know? Can your spirit be free if you run away from dark places uncomfortable truths? Fear is like bondage.

You might think its cynical to poke holes in the dream, but for me, the only thing you have is this moment. A dream is a substitute reality that we create to escape from this one. But is there another life other than the one you are having right now? Is someone living it for you? When does the real thing start?

Why does it feel like I am sitting in a theatre watching movie trailers, waiting for the feature to begin, thinking about how great its going to be once it starts? But not only has the movie already started, you are the main character, the director and the writer! Every moment is the main act, the thrilling plot twist.

You think, but I know what its like to be me, and its not that exciting. Except... you don't. Not really. Its not real. Where is the richness of life? The texture of experience is always changing, always different, constantly renewed. But we think of certain textures as 'boring' and others as 'fun', and life is about getting more of one and less of another. No. Life is going on right now, ever during the boring times.

I'm not trying to prove to you that its true. You have to go back and actually live your moments. And really live them. And ask yourself if its true.

Miss M said...

I'm actually content where I am and don't feel I am waiting for my movei to start. I just like the smell of ocean air and the sounds of waves breaking on the shore.

makes me smile just a little bigger.

and hey... aren't the pictures great?!?! :)

Kristina said...

Rocking chairs??? I had never really thought them a necessity before.

PS: LOVE the new blog. Nice pics too!

athenianstyle said...

wow its gorgeous!

I wont join in the debate, Im not really certain I care wether I can prove that my soul would be happier in exotic destinations.. I just care about going to them ;-)

Miss M said...

Xtina: LoL, I used to have this thing for years that I would always say, all I needed to really be happy was a rocking chair and a wind chime - I've since added to the list. :) It's my own little metaphor.

Oh and I do love this new template too! LUCKY find!

Athenian: Don't you see how it puts you at an advantage when everything you want to do seems to have a pure motive behind it? ;) I really think it would be good for all of our souls, so lets go!

Anonymous said...

The flip side of this is that if you are struggling through (moderately) depressing circumstances, you are probably doing better than you feel you are.

Well that's an encouraging thought.
...but then I guess it depends on what you're trying to achieve. Cuz some things are not worth feeling like crap for even if you're doing great at them. Sometimes you just need to be happy.

Emma, the photos are beautiful. I'm fighting little green monsters of envy... of the view and of the creative pictures you take, and of your awesome template. But really deep down I'm just happy for you.

Kristina said...

I just looked at these pictures again and they are absolutely heavenly. /sigh