Wednesday, February 07, 2007

LMAO I had to post this...

I have decided that I would like some sex. Who's up for it?

Heres the thing: I work, like a lot.
Its also been a week or so since Ive had me The Sex.
Relationships are for people who know what day of the week it is and I just dont have time for that shit right now, what with the magazine and all.

Im mildly sexy (further sexifying can be achieved by you squinting, wearing earplugs or both) and have a fantastic ass.

You should be a hot lady (read: woman born female) with a minimum of 2 (two) boobs and $20 filing fee (waived upon acceptance into program.)

You should also have a very flexible schedule and a vagina with an internal dialation radius not to exceed 2.75 centimeters. Charming personality and sense of humour is a plus, but I have access to hard liquor if such is not the case.

I would also like a box of candy and a DVD of the motion picture From Justin To Kelly

Could this be you? Possibly.

Could this be love? Very, very unlikely.

Line forms to the left ladies. Woot!

-- Bulletin by Jason Malmberg

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Aha! Jason at his finest.