Monday, June 12, 2006

My last day in Mexico

It's been one hell of a week. Seems like it's been way longer than that. They say time flies when you're having fun but I think so much happened in such a short space of time, every moment was accounted for. Sigh. Miss you all already. Here are some pics from my last day.


Anonymous said...

Damn we're cool.
...except when it comes to finding tacos in my neighborhood.

mig.moon said...

Were you taking pictures while I napped!?!


I like me in a dreamy pose... it's a very innocent look.


Anonymous said...

LOLOL Mig you don't nap with a squinty smile on ur face. Sorry to break it to you. That was just a blink.

mig.moon said...

man! but I was napping most of that taxi ride; regardless, the innocent face remains.

Miss M said...

innocent ni que nada!! :P