Monday, March 20, 2006

One year

... has passed since the birth of my blog! It was a year that carries some of my saddest memories and experiences, and yet some fonder ones too. Though in many ways it's easy for me to look back with regret and remorse, I can somehow see a silver lining - the faint glow of the sun behind heavy grey storm clouds. Rom 8:28, right? I feel this has been a year of growing that otherwise I might not have done. I can't let guilt steal the experience gained. But now my future is here right now and my spirit is tired, my flesh is even weak and I feel like I have been brought to my knees, gravity pulls my head lower - I feel alone. Alone in my thoughts with no one to hear. But I won't give up, I am so close... to something... choices, decisions, fears... so many. Anyone have answers? No, not for me. You have the answer for you, not for me. Nobody knows the answer, only I do. I have the answer, but it's so faint I can't hear. I can't figure it out alone, I'm scared, nothing is clear, confusion confusion confusion... I won't let my head fall, but it seeks to have me.


Find me please.


Daniel Olivares said...

i love you i love you i love you

Miss M said...

Thank you Dan! you're so sweet!

Anonymous said...

I just pray you'll be happy... as happy as is possible. I love you tons and miss u always.

Did u mean extraviada? Ay.. por lo menos sabes donde estamos por si nos quieres buscar. xoxo

Kristina said...

This is so sad. Was this last year really that painful?


You will find your answers soon. (Have you thought, maybe you are looking too hard?)