Thursday, April 03, 2008

Wouldn't it be interesting...

if hypnosis really worked? Hehe. I haven't researched it and even if I did, I really don't think I'd get around to it. Maybe I should though and make sure they ask me questions that I'm too scared to answer in a conscious state. I don't think I am 100% honest with myself and even when I try to (or at least I think I am)I still don't ever come to a solid consensus about what the meaning of my life is. For some reason, I don't really know how to do it though! Is this normal? I feel like I am blessed with tremendous ability (to do something), but cursed with infinite choices. Figuring out what I should do with my life in constantly on my mind.

I find safety in the past and I always seem to look to the past for my answers, for my security. The past is comforting because I went through it and I came out the other end. Of course it took me going through it coming out the other end okay to become my comfort, not the going through it part. Looking forward to the future is such a hard thing to do and I am boggled by all I want to do.

How does one slow down, focus and get there?


eman said...


I have the same sort of problem! I seem to be made up of many layers- one of them is very good at brainstorming ideas, usually how to make money in fun ways. But the deeper level usually wins out in the end - the one that says "Lovest thou me? Feed My sheep" So I do that and then I am happy and that is the only way I can be deeply happy. Sometimes I am allowed to overlap the 2 things ( such as when I played my flute here) but that doesn't happen very often.

and then....the only real way to slow down is to go to the deepest level of all where you get in touch with Jesus!


Miss M said...

Mom, I admire your passion for what you do. Just pray that I can find the same passion in something as you have found! Love you! xoxoxo