Saturday, November 17, 2007


Yesssss I am a bit behind the times. I finally got around to subscribing to a few of my favourite blogs. Think I should subscribe to yours? Well tell me why! How about a subscription for a subscription? ;)


In other news:

- I have an urge to brag about Luchi's blog and link all sorts of people to it, but ALAS. :(

- Kristina blogged a blog or 3. HINT: She's unconventional and likes to make finding new posts like a treasure hunt. UNO DOS TRES

- I had a thought that I should be a travel agent or work in some sort of low-airfares-as-a-benefit industry. But then what if the economy goes bust anyway? Also does anyone use travel agencies anymore? I know I don't, but if I was less edowed with marvelous electrosavvy brains (tsktsk) perhaps I would. Whatchoothink?

- My boyfriend is adorable. Nuff said!

PS. How's the font size? I thought it was just too small.


Anonymous said...

I've been subscribed to your blog for what...a year or two?

Goddamn it...someone's gotta clue me in on Luchi's blog. I'm bitter.

Thank God, Kristina is blogging again. I was going through withdrawals.

Anonymous said...

Oh and about the travel agent...I have a bit of a fascination with this too (to prove it, I subscribe to Rich Seaney's blog [of Farecompare fame]just for fun). I've done a lot of ticket purchasing recently and I have to say, if I had a travel agent that could get me the same deals I have to search, and search for, I'd easily let a travel agent do it for me. If they could take care of the hotel and car rentals too it would be an extra bonus. I think there is still something to be said for a travel agent.

Kristina said...

Naw, the font size is fine!

And thanks for the name drop. But didn't I say that our little secret needs to stay between you and me? Hence the extended "Shshshshshshshshsh..." Now everyone knows I'm a big cheater!

PS: Is Luchi pregnant again?????

Anonymous said...

Hm. I've been of the opinion that travel agents are a thing of the past, because customers can get better deals if there isn't a middleman who needs a payroll. HOWEVER, with the Internet getting more and more cluttered with deals and spam, buying tickets gets very involved and tedious.... so who knows. But you'd have to do it smart.

And what exact bragging would you be doing for me? Ladies, I am not pregnant. I have just re-opened an ancient (secret) blog. If I could send you the link without posting it for all to see I would.
No, not preggers again. Where did that idea come from? Man, I'm still not sure I can handle one, much less two!!!

Kristina said...

Once you have one baby, you will be forever hounded to make two, or three, or four more!

Isn't that right Emma????

Miss M said...

See that's what I was thinking... what Lozy said. Sometimes it's just easier to just tell someone else what you need and let them take care of it than have to search and search and search. Everyone wishes to have a personal assistant when they just don't have enough time in their day to do everything. So having real people as agents makes it possible to have that personal assistance when you need it for a small cost!

yes, if you have one kid you owe it to your kid to have at LEAST 2 more. =) Poor kids being deprived siblings!?!