Tuesday, November 06, 2007


And nothing does that more to me than half working internet connections that hauntingly bring back the days of dial-up. *shudders* See, the place we moved to *apparently* does come with wi-fi for all the tenants but it's been a bit more like apparently *doesn't* First something was wrong with the router for weeks, then that got fixed and the new password wasn't given for weeks, then the new password was given and now it's broken again. I know should just sign up for AT&T or something but I have this feeling that our *apparent* wi-fi signal is being tacked onto our rent ANYway. So, being the 1/4 Jew that I am in my right mind there is no way I could happily live knowing I am paying for 2 internet connections. I would rather be perplexed forever more actually.

Ah well. I am sure there are worse things than not having a speed of light signal, where you have to constantly walk around the house - laptop in hand - searching for a signal that you just lost, right? My perplexity is warranted mind you. Next week we are going on a ROADTRIP thingy and I NEEEEEED new musics. We'll be exploring the wilderness of the NorthWest =) and there's no way you can do that without a soundtrack. Gonna be all good times!!!

I discovered something that has helped me in this time of wireless distress. Basically it's this search engine www.shareminer.com that searches blogs and websites where people have uploaded full songs and albums onto file sharing sites like megaupload.com and rapidshare.com etc. I bumped into this girlie piece of ear candy: Nicole Atkins - Netptune City

I'll be taking pics on the trip for SURE so check back whenevah!


-- Lena and Jade will be coming down for Thanksgiving! Yaaaaay! We're just missing Manny who is still in France to be a full the formed Voltron. So we'll just have a buttless Voltron this year eh? *snicker*

-- I am listening to a song that keeps saying "yeah we can make sandwiches"??? I'm not a snob, nor do I need constant intellectual stimulation - but come on! That's just dumb!

-- Mom updated her blog! http://snowflakephenomenon.blogspot.com/

-- We are about to celebrate our one year bone-aversary. Self explanatory? =)

-- I love the fall!!! I'm going to go run and take pictures so you can see how pretty Downtown is right now.

-- I put some pink in my hair for halloween (I went as Emma, with a bit of pink hair) and it hasn't washed out. Which is sorta cool. Luckily I finally have a job that has no dresscode!!!

-- Mig took me out of his link list and for that he will be chastised! :D I have no links only cuz they didn't come with my template and I haven't figured out how to add them.

-- FIN --


athenianstyle said...

"one year bone-aversary", muahaha.

Emma, you're ridiculously amazing, and(with serious zoolander face) very very good-looking.

Did I read that right? Roadtrip? To AZ right? ; -)

mig.moon said...

excuses, excuses... I have at least mended my ways... ahora faltas tu! :)

Anonymous said...

Halloween and road-trip pics please! I need to feel sad about being so far from you.

And don't forget to love me FOREVA!

Kristina said...

Hahahahahahahaha! And that is all I have to say.

Miss M said...

MUAH to all of you! You have no idea how much it makes me feel like I am still part of a few people's lives when you take some of your precious time to stop by! =)

Christina! When ARE we gonna do something about this never-hanging-out issue? Did I hear that you are planning a roadtrip?? :)

Mig, you know I love you to death. Stop playing insecure even if I do the same. :P

Luchi, I will love you forever!!

Kristina, You too!!

haha don't you love my MUSH?