Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Tickets bought and arrangements made for the visiting of BEAUTIFUL San Diego

that's some tremendous news!


Kristina said...

Why you going there?

blueorangeza said...

San Diego! Awesome. When are you going?

Anonymous said...

Hey Emma, is it? my names Jaydee...i think i know from way back when. you look real familiar. i think you and a team including Suko and her brothers i think, stayed in Jrz Mexico while fundraising or somfin. was in southafrica right or from there, or somfin?

yeah u look's my e-mail...

GBY out peace

Miss M said...

We're going next month.. for no real reason. Just need to get out of town for a small extended holiday. Probably be gone for about 5 days.

Hey Jaydee, yes tis me - Emma. And yes we did come stay with you guys in Juarez... or we stayed with Steven and Rejoice and hung out with you - something like that. I'm from Zimbabwe actually - not too far off from South Africa you are right. Thanks for stopping by tho! Been a while! You got a blog too?