Tuesday, July 24, 2007

After a year in therapy, my psychiatrist said to me, 'Maybe life isn't for everyone.'

The weather has been unusually cool lately. I thought we were supposed to be freaking out about global warming... I'm almost saying bring on pollution and toxins - if it's gonna help make my summer comfortable, bring it on! =) ..... pause..... NOT! Or maybe ... *ponders*... why not!?.... ok .... NOT! lol. Alrighty, moving along.

The B-Meister got a promotion and last night we celebrated at the lovely Tapa the World here in midtown. (pics were taken which I will post at my most nextest convenience) I love that place, it's all traditional Spanish cuisine and tasty goodness. I actually managed to make it a bit of a surprise celebration and called all his friends without him knowing to meet us there at 6:30 - success! He was uber touched and we all had that same feeling you get when looking at cuteoverload.com. So yes, I think I scored some brownie points as all his feeling touched led to me being touched and since we both were busy feeling so touched we figured, hey maybe we should be touching! HA! That was a good one! :)

1 comment:

blueorangeza said...

Come to Denver. it was 100 degrees at midnight last night. Just plain nuts hot. Cant wait for September.