Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Emmachella Experience Part 1

It actually started last year in October with frantic searching for hotels! This might give you an idea as to how popular this festival is for a few of the passionate ones. 7 months prior to the event (likely longer) Indio, where the polo fields are situated, had not a single room available and the next closest town, Palm Springs (30minutes drive) was sold out of anything affordable (anything less than $100 a night). Somehow by crazy chance someone called to say they found out from someone else that there was now ONE last room at the Motel 6 in Indio. We jumped on the phone, nabbed the last of the last and heaved a sigh of relief... for now.

The months came and went, the Coachella movie played at a local cinema, one night we stayed up most of the night waiting - having succumbed, along with many more, to a rumour that the lineup would be announced that night/morning... it wasn't. Eventually it was and as yells were heard, phonecalls made, the lineup was tweaked, modified, great bands added, not so great ones too, harddrives and ipods were filled with the sounds of what was to be heard on the fateful weekend that is April 29th and 30th from now till many many years from now. *Starts a wave*

The birth of the Coachella Crew was quite unintentional. It all started with me posting inceasant posts on myspace about the time getting closer and closer. One day out of the blue Marcus messaged me about if I had space for one more... which in the end turned out to be a dandy crew of 8 (although there were other's on the outskirts who we knew but were doing there own thang, like Xtina and my bro) Anyway, with this growing as if from nowhere I thought maybe we should double check our reservation at the hotel juuuuuuust in case. Sure enough they "lost" our reservation!! (we were also lacking in the brains dept. and lost our confirmation number!) So, with a month or so to go we started to scramble for any leads we could come across for available rooms. Nothing, then..... nothing, and more nothing. Our desperation and distress peeked till all of a sudden we came across some obscure add by some guy who said that he wouldn't be able to make it out this year like he'd and was putting up his reservation (Motel 6, Palm SPrings) on ebay. We SO JUMPED and were going at it neck and neck for a good part of the afternoon with this other dude who seemed equally as desperate. The bidding kept rising higher, but we determined not to give in and finally when it reached around $80 the dude dopped off. YES! We were back in the saddle and nothing could stop us now!... shockingly nothing went wrong from there on and it was smooth sailing all the way. w00t!

Friday morning we go to pick up our rental at Ol' Reliable Enterprise Rentals who used to serve me well and did so yet again. We zipped over to The Awesome's pad, played with her too many and too fat kitties (they seem to live in scratcher post heaven, her living room's full of em!) I might add that Nancy was FORCED against her will to come, but I think she came around in the end... I mean HELL YA she had a great time!!

Next, a short stop at Target for last minute essentials. An iTrip to keep us thoroughly entertained, tanning lotion to hide the luminous legs, disposable camera etc etc ZOOOOOOOOOOM... off to Stockton.

OH! YEAH! I haven't yet mentioned this part! Jason had a great idea to invite some random girl off of myspace who not only needed a ride down but would also help with expenses. Hmmmmmm...needless to say, even after he glorified this task he had performed all on his own - I gave him a hard time and was highly suspicious... but that all faded when she came bounding towards the car and turned out to be totally rad. Gemma is her name (asi como He-ma), shes Mexican, but grew up here most of her life. Totally cool lady! YAY! Sorry Gemma!!! And sorry Jason for doubting your excellent judgement!!

Ventura Highway and Today's Songunoficially became the songs that marked our journey. Sorta like we were inadvertantly using them to set the 'nostalgia' for the "aftermath" (which is now) - you know life going on as usual, but knowing whenever we hear them we'll remember an amazing roadtrip. 7 hours of road and country to cover, it was a very pleasant drive... for one we made it in record time... HEHEHEHEHE. Ok, I know I am somewhat of a fearless and crazy driver (I'm not mean MEAN! just making sure I get the right of way, which is easy when you're a girl :D) I really am thinking about my poor passengers baking on the back seat, for real!! I just like to get from A to B... as soon as possible. More about that later.

Well, we arrived in Palm Springs safe and sound (speeding ticketless), went in search of grubb, met up with the Marcus, Miriam and Christina checked into our hotel, chit chatted over some beers and passed the fudge out.

Dreaming of Day 1....


Kristina said...

Wow! What a great story. I wish my pre-Coachella plans were as interesting! lol

Your group was super rad. And I had no idea that that is how Gemma came into the group.


Anonymous said...

ooooh i love love love this story! i want to know the end! tell me, tell me, pleeeeeeaaasssseee!

(PS. there's a little typo in the link to Christina's page)

and really? did i really bring 5???? what a great guest i am, huh! lol, and u and jason are just the bestest hosts ever, even when i'm stumbling into bed at 4am after 6 beers and completely finding the wrong bed...hahah! great introduction!!

Kristina said...

And where is Part 2?

Miss M said...

ohh man, sorry sorry, just been tired and working, working and tired. Part 2 cometh!!!

Thanks for that info Loxy, I've wondered how you look. Never have seen a picture yet!

LOL Marcus, that was prett hilarious! You were a fun party pal for sure! ;)