Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Weather Alerts n Such

Tonight we have a Tornado warning/alert/watch/what-have-you. A first for me! I've never been close enough to anywhere that would have one. It's thundering and lightening-ing... kinda exciting and thrilling. I like crazy weather at night, though I suppose if anything really serious developed I might change my mind. But for now I am pretty content listening to the rain beating down hard and the rumblings in the distance, with 4 furry felines up on the bed with me. My mom and Domi have a little bit of a problem collecting cats. ;) But they are soooooooooo sweet and beautiful!! I've had one sleeping at my feet most nights so I'm getting pretty attached.

Oh well, this is my last night and if I survive it (hehe) I'll be back in Sac this time tomorrow. YAAY! I love these guys a ton, but I am excited to be going home. Missing a certain someone... sniff sniff :( It's good tho, absence is making the heart grow waaay fonder and I'm just happy I have something so great to look forward to.

Bedtime for me kiddos!

Goodnight and sweetdreams

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lazy Sundays

Sisters sisters! 4 outta 5

Me and Thea... my fellow Pisces born the day before me. Twelve-yers-OLD now. Sheesh!

Crazy girls. Booboo and Thea. (nope, I guess she's not losing the nickname - she's 10)

My perrty big sistah n me. (no she's not "pretty big", that's obvious :P)

Booboo (Laura)

Saturday, March 10, 2007




I can't believe Domi is going to be 16 this year! CRAZY! All the kids are HUGE and I don't think I'm ready for them to all be grown up. :( I want my wittle ones!!!

Well, that's how it goes I guess.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Headlights on dark roads

Where are you?????

I miss you.



Says the little gif up there. So do it!!! It's so much fun!!

(Oh this seems to work in Firefox and not Safari)