Monday, April 17, 2006

you went offline...

...sniff! We didn't get to finish! I don;t even know if you're happy! Sniff sniff! Talking to you just now brought so many memories crashing back to me, like some great tidal wave. I miss you so very much. Gee, you're all grown up now too - though I bet so very much the same as I remember you. You've been one of the dearest people in my life, I'm sorry we've been out of touch, I promise to change that. Man, you brought out all my smiles and all my silliness - I've been so out of practice and am yet to find someone to replace you. Nobody seems to want to "race" on a wormy in the pool with me around here, much less dare me to go up to random strangers and start a conversation (and act shocked when I do it), I am yet to find someone here to dance bizarre steps to strange songs (they just give me funny looks) or someone who'll run through the streets looking for me when I take off in tears and then sit on the dusty steps with me hearing out my woes. So many memories, you and me - the daredevil team... I bet everyone wanted to be us... hahaahhaha... no, probably not. But that's ok, we were happy. People like you are rare as rubies and I am happy and honoured to know you!

This one's for you chica... oh yeah, those are probably the ACTUAL steps :)


Anonymous said...

that was beautiful...and...someone is lucky to be remembered so well.

mig.moon said...

"I miss Emma...she is my best friend..." those were her words.


Anonymous said...

Lucky her to have such a huge piece of your heart.

Miss M said...

There are a few who share pieces of my heart! :)