*Job Interview today -
JCrew. Ok yes, it's juuuuust retail but hey you gotta stay afloat! Eeeeek, it's new!! Wondering if I will fit in, but at the same time not caring if I don't - my main concern is that they may want me to wear those clothes... oh help!
Phone - so you can actually CALL me! w00t! I've been borrowing and just being plain out of touch for so long but glory glory we can start touching again.
*Cold - ok so it's not all that new, but summer is really quite over and I am oh so gonna be enjoying the lovely autumn that is closing in... hmmm... warm cider, mulled wine, pumpkin spice coffee, scarves and mittens, cozing up in a fluffy duvet (something I don't own yet and that fact makes me sad, must save up!!!), soupies of ALL kinds and lots of cuddles.
Went to the city this past weekend as a DJ friend was spinning at a club so we all went to offer support and have ourselves a pretty darn good time. I shall expound later!
Till then........